王向东复旦大学附属中山医院肺科Introduction: How to make your publication more excellent
Kenneth Adler《Journal of Respiratory Molecular and Cell Biology》主编Preparing and writing manuscripts for U.S. Peer-reviewed journals: your best chances at success
Peter WardUniversity of Michigan Health SystemsHow to get into high impact journals as an author
Roland Andersson《Journal of Organ Dysfunction》主编How to get your paper accepted in a highly ranked journal – the eye of the reviewer and editor
Bruce K. RubinAJRCCM主编Eminence based medicine: So who needs evidence anyway
Reen Wu《J Epithelial Biol & Pharm》主编在国际医学杂志上文章需要新的思维
Sofie Wennstr?m《Journal Of Organ Dysfunction》主编 临床资料统计的关键 3临床资料统计的关键

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