Brian GriffinDepartment of Biochemistry, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK (Guest Speaker)Should we all be taking aspirin?
Brian GriffinAmerican Board of Internal Medicine, recertification in Internal Medicine and Cardiovascular MedicinUpdate on the Clinical Application of Coronary CT Angiogram
Eisho KyoKusatsu Heart CenterRole of 3D Echocardiography in Valvular HD
David BendittUniversity of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA3 Vessels CAD or CABG?
Michael LimSingapore Medical Specialists CenterIs CT Guided PCI the Next Gold Standard in PCI?
Roxana MehranColumbia universityUpdate on Optimal Antiplatelet Therapy for PCI
Takahiko SuzukiToyohashi Heart CenterDoes the Choice of Statin Make a Difference?
Takahiko SuzukiToyohashi Heart CenterLeft Main Disease - PCI vs CABG?
Wayne AdkissonCardiac Arrhythmia Service, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USAManagement of Heart Failure: Hurdles Crossed and Challenges Ahead
何作祥北京阜外医院Advances in Cardiac Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging
Kenya NasuToyohashi Heart CenterEchocardiography: Update
Kenya NasuToyohashi Heart CenterPrevention of Atherosclerosis by Immunomodulation
Leng JiangTufts UniversityOxidative Stress
Masaki AwataKansai Rosai HospitalHypertropic cardiomyopathy-Diastolic Heart Failure: Genetics
Michael GibsonMichael GibsonElectrical-Ion Channel Disorders
Neil J. WeissmanWashington Hospital CenterNovel Treatment of Cardiomyopathies and Heart Failure
Peter EckmanHeart Failure and Transplant Service, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USARole of Viral Infection in Atherosclerosis
Takahiko SuzukiToyohashi Heart CenterDilated Cardiomyopathy-Systolic Heart Failure: Non-pharmacological Treatment
Zhao QiongNorthwestern University,Northwestern Memorial Hospital in ChicagoTakotsubo Cardiomyopathy
赵世华中国医学科学院阜外心血管病医院Role of cardiac magnetic resonance imaging in patients with clinically suspected myocarditis and car
李为民哈尔滨医科大学附属第一医院Advances of right-sided heart failure
卢永昕湖北省武汉协和医院Advances of left ventricular EF reserved heart failure
施仲伟上海交通大学医学院附属瑞金医院Aldosterone blockade and cardiac protection
刘文玲北京大学人民医院arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy,from gene to bedside: typical case discussion
余江涛德国巴德贝尔卡医院Case Report from Bad Berka Heart Hospital, Germany
陈绍良南京市第一医院Case Report from Nanjing First People’s Hospital
王建安浙江大学医学院附属第二医院Case Report from Second Affiliated Hospital Zhejiang University College of Medicine
杨跃进中国医学科学院阜外医院Case Report from Fuwai Heart Hospital
王焱厦门大学附属中山医院Case Report from Zhongshan Hospital, Xiamen University
黄元铸江苏省人民医院Manifestation in ECG Suggesting Coronary Heart Disease

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