BarryJ.Marshall西澳大利亚大学Helicobacter pylori: One Hundred Years of Discovery
Lan-Juan Li浙江大学医学院附属第一医院Update on viral hepatitis
Masao Omata日本东京大学HCV induced hepatocellular carcinoma
Wing-Hong Seto香港玛丽医院Infection control without borders
Yuming Wang第三军医大学西南医院感染病专科医院Top ten papers of viral hepatitis
Jinlin Hou南方医科大学附属南方医院Antiviral therapy of hepatitis B
Lai Wei北京大学人民医院New finding of hepatitis C researches in China
Barney S. Graham美国NIH疫苗研究临床试验中心Vaccine in the future
Bijie Hu复旦大学呼吸病研究所肺部感染研究室Top ten papers in Infection Control
David PatersonUniversity of Queensland and University of PittsburghFacing emerging outbreaks due to MDR-pathogens in healthcare facilities
Michael A PfallerUniversity of Iowa College of Medicine in Iowa City, IowaAntifungal breakpoints
Xiao-Jun Huang浙江大学Update on antimicrobial therapy of patients with febrile neutropenia
Yonhong Xiao浙江大学医学院附属第一医院Top ten papers of antimicrobial resistance
Hui Wang北京大学人民医院检验科Antimicrobial resistance in animals and the links in the community
Jonathan SchapiroAIDS Service National Hemophilia Center Sheba Medical Center in Tel Aviv, Israel, and Adjunct CliniHow to manage AIDS patients with virological failure
Yumei Wen复旦大学病原微生物研究所Therapeutic vaccine for hepatitits B
Shusen Zheng浙江大学医学院附属第一医院Liver transplantation in severe hepatitis
Chao-Long Chen长庚医院Infections in liver transplantation recipients
Michael P. MannsDept. of Gastroenterology, Hepatology and EndocrinologyHepatitis in 2010: the dawn of a new era in HCV therapy
Stuart C. RayJohns Hopkins University School of MedicineGenomics and vaccine of hepatitis C virus
Robert A WeinsteinDivision of Endocrinology and Metabolism, Center for Osteoporosis and Metabolic Bone DiseasesOutbreak investigation
Didier PittetInfection Control Program, Department of Internal Medicine ;Department of Pediatrics, Children's HosPrevention of healthcare infection: toward zero risk? (Hand hygiene)
Andreas Voss德国汉堡应用科学大学社工学院How to change healthcare worker behavior
Robert Moelleringf Rib-X Clinical Advisory Board, Harvard Medical SchoolDiscovering new antimicrobial agents

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