Gary MintzChief Medical Officer of the Cardiovascular Research Foundation, Editor-in-Chief of TCTMD.comBifurcation and left main assessment pre- and post-PCI
Tan Huay CheemNational University of Singapore.Pitfalls of stenting bifurcation lesions
Choo Gim HooiKPJ Selangor Specialist Hospital,MalaysiaHow to optimize bifurcation stenting
Jens Flensted LassenCardiac Intensive Care Unit,Aarhus University Hospital, SkejbyPolymer-free SES in clinical practice
Yaron AlmagorInterventional Cardiology and Cardiac Catheterization Laboratories,Shaare Zedek Medical Center, IsraTryton solution for bifuration lesion
徐 波北京阜外医院左主干介入危险分层
陈 方北京安贞医院病例讨论
Yoshinobu MurasatoDirector of Heart Center and Department of Cardiovascular Medicine, New Yukuhashi Hospital,JapanLessons from bench-test
常敏之台北榮民總醫院ECMO support in PCI complication
Imad SheibanInteventional Cardiology University of Torino San Giovanni Battista Hospital Corso Bramante ,ItalyStenting UPLM with trifurcation lesions
张 奇上海瑞金医院更好与好,孰轻孰重?
徐亚伟、魏毅东、侯 磊上海市第十人民医院现场手术转播

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