汤钊猷复旦大学附属中山医院:复旦大学肝癌研究所New trends on studies of hepatocellular carcinoma
李宁北京佑安医院Adjuvant adenovirus-mediated delivery of herpes simplex virus thymidine kinase administration improv
闻玉梅复旦大学上海医学院The known and unknown roles played by HBV in HCC
郑树浙江大学医学院Donor evaluation in living donor liver transplantation
贾继东北京友谊医院Non-invasive assessment of liver fibrosis in China
钦伦秀复旦大学附属中山医院:复旦大学肝癌研究所Prediction of metastatic recurrence of human hepatocellular carcinoma
叶胜龙复旦大学附属中山医院:复旦大学肝癌研究所Trial for liver cancer
成军北京地坛医院Molecular biology of HBV/HCV-hepatocyte interactions
沈锋上海市东方肝胆医院Anti-recurrence studies of hepatocellular carcinoma
陈孝平武汉同济医院Surgical treatment for recurrence and metastasis of hepatocellular carcinoma
曾昭冲复旦大学附属中山医院Radiation therapy for primary liver cancer
施光峰复旦大学附属华山医院The role of pathogen-associated molecular patterns (PAMPs) in the persistent infection of hepatitis
谢青瑞金医院Clinical and histological findings in chronic hepatitis B patients with persistently normal ALT
宁琴武汉同济医院Severe hepatitis, FHF and ACLF: The role of immune status
王宇明重庆西南医院Therapies for acute liver failure

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