汤钊猷复旦大学附属中山医院:复旦大学肝癌研究所Anticancer: eradication, modulation and their integration
王向东复旦大学附属中山医院:复旦大学肝癌研究所Role of Clinical Bioinforamtics in the Development Network-based Biomarkers
Nagy Habib帝国理工大学Towards optimization of treatment of Hepatocellular carcinoma
胡志鹏贝克曼库尔特公司Single cell separation technology in the application of tumor targeted therapy
Yuzhuo Wang加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚省不列颠哥伦比亚癌症中心Next generation cancer models for discovery, translational research and beyond
陈敏山广州中山大学Expert consensus on the norms of local ablation therapy for liver cancer
匡铭广州中山大学Validation of ablation margin by using three dimensional reconstruction software: an initial
卢大儒复旦大学生命科学院Genetics of Lung cancer drugs
夏景林复旦大学附属中山医院:复旦大学肝癌研究所The role of anti-virus in hepatocellular carcinoma interventional therapy
孙文兵首都医科大学附属北京朝阳医院Overview of local ablation therapy in liver cancer management

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