Michael J Bullard加拿大亚伯达大学医学院急诊医学进展The evolution of emergency medicine
黄集仁台湾林口长庚医院建构区域研究体系网路Building regional research network
林宏荣台湾奇美医院急诊急诊医学在持续变动年代之领导韧性力及思辨Leadership Resiliency and Advocacy During Times of Constant
高伟峰台北医学大学附设医院马拉松紧急医疗救护新进展-Update in Emergency Medical Services in Ultramarathon
James J. Menegazzi匹兹堡大学医学院从心肺复苏研究学习的一堂课Lessons Learned from the Study of Cardiac Arrest Resuscitation
王仲清华长庚医院医病沟通攻守道Hard and Soft skill in medical communications
林哲玮台湾台北医学大学医学院急诊创新教育 Innovation of EM Education
陈旭岩清华长庚医院急诊感染专题-Infection Control
何武兵福建省立医院急诊创伤专题-emergency trauma care
庄忠训厦门长庚医院急诊创新教育 Innovation of EM Education
许建清台湾奇美医学中心改变行医模式的急诊医学新知 The update of emergency medicine to change medical behavior
蔺佩鸿福建医科大学附属第一医院病人安全质量标竿学习 Lessons on Upholding Patient Safety Standards
林晓萍福建省立医院急诊科解毒剂的临床使用分享 Clinical Experience of Antidotes in Poisoning

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